Evening Concert

Chicago Symphony Orchestra on Carnegie Hall Live tonight: Debussy, et.al.


Tonight at 7:00 on the Evening Concert on WILL-FM 90.9 it’s Carnegie Hall Live, featuring one of the Great American Orchestras, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra led by Riccardo Muti.  You’ll hear Mendelssohn’s concert overture “Calm Seas and Prosperous Journey”, Debussy’s “La Mer” (The Sea) and Scriabin’s 3rd Symphony, “The Divine Poem”.  

Monday April 20:  Carnegie Hall Live (CHL #15-03)        

Great American Orchestras II

Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Riccardo Muti, conductor

Mendelssohn: Meeresstille und gluckliche Fahrt, Op.27 (Calm Seas and Prosperous Journey)
Debussy: La Mer
Scriabin: Symphony No.3 in C Minor, Op.43, "The Divine Poem"