The 21st Show

‘There’s No Crying In Newsrooms’ Explores Women In Journalism; Inclusive Communities For Outdoor Recreation


Kristin Gilger, left, and Julia Wallace released a new book "There’s No Crying in Newsrooms" which tells the stories of women leadership in journalism. Kristin Gilger/Julia Wallace

Journalists Julia Wallace and Kristin Gilger co-authored a new book, "There’s No Crying in Newsrooms" which tells the many stories and experiences of women in journalism. They joined us to talk about their analysis and advice for women leaders in any industry. Plus, our state and national parks are open to all. But not everyone feels included in outdoor activities. An online community called “Unlikely Hikers” is changing that by encouraging people from under-represented backgrounds to get outside.

Ever since the 1980's, women have poured into journalism schools. They now make up between two-thirds and three-quarters of journalism students. Yet, they still account for only about a third of those employed in the news media.

And so when it comes to leadership, it’s no surprise the numbers look pretty dismal. Just five of the 25 largest newspapers have women editors. 

So how far have we really come a long way from a time when women were referred to as “newshens” and the only path into a newsroom was as a secretary? 

That’s the question asked by longtime female journalism leaders Julia Wallace and Kristin Gilger in their new book that just came out, “There’s No Crying in Journalism.” Together they chronicle and analyze not just the past few decades of female leadership across newsrooms, but also provide advice for those who are now coming up.

Julia is now a professor and Kristin is the associate dean both at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. 


Summer is finally here. If you don’t mind the heat and sun, that means getting outside.

So many outdoor spaces in the US are free and open to the public, whether you’re looking for a short hike or a camping trip.

But even though many of these spaces are open to everyone, that doesn’t mean everyone is going. For instance, in 2017, only 7% of people who visited national parks were Black while 78% were white.

That can mean some outdoor enthusiasts don’t see themselves represented, whether it’s out on the trail, or even in advertising.

So some folks have taken it upon themselves to build community. Often these communities start online, but of course they often take the form of group hikes and trips as well.

Jenny Bruso is an outdoor writer and founder of one online community, Unlikely Hikers. Aaron Oschea is the the founder of Midwest Color Camp.

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