
Housing & Caregiving Options for Seniors in Central Illinois


Millions of people will fly or drive short and long distances to visit loved ones for the Thanksgiving holiday.  You may have plans to be with an aging parent or parents still in their home or apartment.  When you visit, you might see or hear things that disturb you.  Is it time to have a talk about your loved one’s care and living situation?  If so, how do you do that?   As we age, what are our housing options and when should we discuss them with our children?  What do we do if we don’t have any children or aren’t close to them?

We'll talk with Julie Glawe, Executive Director, Faith In Action in Monticello, IL, and Roxanna Webb from the Family Service Senior Resource Center in Champaign about these questions as well as to help define what the various types of housing really mean and what is appropriate for different situations.